“…how lies developed physical wings and flew through the mouths of ‘ the giant whales…”

I remember on this day, 365 days ago when something peaceful turned bloody!

I remember when the pleas from young budding compatriots were twisted as violence

I remember how the good Nigerian youths spoke out in one voice.

I remember the excitement on the faces of fellow youths who held and waved the Nigerian flags singing the National anthem

I remember how they felt optimistic that their peaceful protests would yield good fruits.

I remember how the tension grew in different parts of the country.

I remember the shootings, the killings, the massacre, and how youths fell like leaves from its stalk when a tree is blown over by a violent wind.

I remember the helpless state of the youths, how they were sandwiched at the middle at Lekki Toll Gate as soldiers allegedly pressed in.

I remember the cries, the sweat, the anguish, the blood, the deaths, the trauma, the tiredness…

I remember how lies developed physical wings and flew through the mouths of ‘ the giant whales’, ‘the giant hawks’, ‘the sabre-toothed tiger’ on different National television stations.

I remember how I wished an unseen ‘red sea’ should swallow all the cancers in our dear country Nigeria, just as it swallowed up Pharaoh and his cohorts as they pursued the helpless and defenceless children of Isreal.

I remember how mothers cried, our destinies are cut short and youths were extinguished in their prime.

I remember how my husband warned me never to step out of our house to physically capture the scenes on protest grounds or to rather run a vox-pop on the streets reminding me of our suckling babe.

I remember silence!
Is it wrong to have had a peaceful protest? Is there a crime to say NO in the face of tyranny?
Why did it turn out this way in Nigeria?

October is a month to remember!
A month of independence and supposed freedom from the claws of the colonialists!
A month of blood-shed of continual violence

And we are all reaping the endless benefits!

  • hunger
    -abject poverty
  • high cost of living etc.

Dear Lord,
Come down with your mighty hand and defend the defenceless
Grant the lost soul’s peaceful rest
Heal our land.
Nigeria shall be great again.

No offence is without punishment.
For every antagonist of this country will be duly punished in Jesus’ name.

Do you remember?


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