Sleep is Enjoyable but can Kill Faster than Anything

Of course sleep is an essential part of nature that cannot be cheated. It is needed to be alive. It is needed if we want to remain healthy and active but you wonder how it kills. A man who knows where he is going will not spend all his time sleeping. Sleep can kill your real you and in essence kill your future and whatever you hope to be. The Bible says A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands then shall your poverty come as one that travelled and thy want as an armed man”(Proverbs 6:10-11). If you call yourself God’s own but you have no relationship with the one who owns you, I tell you, your spirit is close to death or is dead. Once your spirit is dead you are just existing and not living. In other words, you can never meet up with the standard of your destiny because what has been assigned to lead you to your place of destiny has been abandoned all because of sleep.

A man of God once said “Sleepers will end up as slippers”. This is not to say that we should not sleep like I said the other time. No! It’s an essential part of nature that can never be cheated but all the same, there is time for everything. A time to sleep, work, communicate with your Father and the like. One of the major things that keep relationships alive is communication.

Most people call themselves Christians and yet have no relationship with God. If you don’t have a constant time of fellowship with Him then, I’m sorry to let you know that you are going nowhere because the major thing you need to get to your place of destiny is missing. You will definitely achieve that which you think you desire but your achievement can never be complete without your personal fellowship with Him. Talk to Him, hear Him, relate with Him like a good father relates with his son, and study His word because it is the manual of life.

You should not forget that your real you is the spirit inside. You can imagine your spirit man being dead before he or she gets to the place of destiny, which means it’s an empty vessel that will almost get there but will never get there because what he needs to get there is dead. How? He died because he lacked relationship, food, love, affection, attention etc. Whatever it is you can think about that a man needs for a living is what your spirit requires of you. Feed it well with the word of God, build yourself in most holy faith and create time out of no time to commune with the spirit in you.

This is only applicable to everyone who has given his or her life to Christ because without that you can never possess the right spirit and without the right spirit you just exist because it is the flesh that dictates you. But the moment you break forth from the shackles of the flesh by giving your life to Christ, you have a right spirit and you have no condemnation. Romans 8:1 say:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.”

I thereby implore anyone who is yet to obtain and welcome the right spirit to please do so before it is too late. You can do so now just confess this to yourself now:

“Lord Jesus I accept you as the Lord of my life and I subject myself to your total authority over me because without you I am empty and nothing, I therefore come to you this day for you to build and make me into something. Thank you my beloved Saviour because I know I am now saved and 1 now belong to you and therefore enjoy the blessings your children enjoy. I LOVE YOU LORD”

Please get a Bible and make it your manual. Then make sure you join the gathering of the children of God. As for everyone who has the right spirit, I implore you not to allow your spirit die. Rise up when it is time for you to meet with your God personally and don’t allow sleep to kill you faster than you can imagine.


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