“…A large number of them had blocked the campus gate saying no entry for no one.”

In the early hours of today at the campus gate of the Polytechnic of Ibadan, a large number of students gathered to protest against the commencement of their second-semester examination which is to start today.

The Polytechnic Ibadan campus gate.

Protesters told our reporter that there are so many academic challenges the school needs to resolve before any exam can be written. In a memo, written by the Student Union President, Comrade Adedamola Adedeji on behalf of the students, he has summed up all these problems in their 9-point agenda that needs fulfilling by the school authorities within 24 – hours.

The 9- point agenda include :1. They want to see their outstanding results before commencing another exam2. All previous score sheets should be sent to all departments so all results can be inputted.3. The PT students must complete their unfinished exams before full-time starts.4. All students residing in all hostels must feel comfortable during the examination period, i.e in terms of water and electricity.5. General portal issues should be cleared.6. They need a working examination timetable where carry-over courses won’t affect present courses.7. All project students must be attended to before they commence their exam.8. All bushes in the school and examination hall environs must be cleared before they commence their examination.9. They want their examinations marked and recorded within two weeks and exam results finalized within a week, as stated by their academic calendar.

A large number of them had blocked the campus gate saying no entry for no one. This is coming up amidst other crises in the country, including the ASUU strike. We can only hope that these issues are resolved to prevent further uproar and reactions from the aggrieved students.


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