It was a Broken Home

By Ogechi

Early on a Saturday morning, preparations were being made to mark this powerful occasion. It was a wedding ceremony and the signpost on the car reads ‘About to Wed’. Indeed, it was the happiest day of their lives as marital vows were taken in church and the signpost now reads ‘Just Wedded’. Off to the hall of entertainment, the couple was daring and highly joyous. In fact, the environment was a nice sight to behold. After three years of that marriage, it was a broken home as the joy in the house was trampled upon and divorce set in.

Broken home is a product of divorce; it is a challenge or illness that has befallen our present-day world. 80% of marriages today have been affected by this deadly virus of separation. The Holy Bible detests divorce, churches preach against it, society at large abhors it yet, every day that passes by precious homes are broken and torn apart. The First World War started in the year 1914 and ended in 1918 but many homes are still fighting theirs today. How then do we want peace in our country when our homes are a tug of war. The problem our society is facing today begins at home and researches conducted over the years proved the effect of broken homes on the children is as deadly as some killer diseases. Our children are the future leaders, how then can we raise good leaders from this type of homes?

However, there are thousands of reasons why present-day marriages crumble like a pack of cards; Inadequate preparation: Today’s couple spend almost all their time preparing for their wedding occasion which lasts only a day than to prepare for the marriage which is everlasting forgetting that wedding is an initiation to marriage. No matter how colourful one’s wedding occasion may be, a marriage one fails to prepare for, confuses one when one gets into it.

Infidelity: Most marriages have crashed on the basis of infidelity. Faithfulness and trust are fast disappearing into thin air. How then do we build a strong home when we fail to trust each other? Communication is a basic tool that sustains a marriage, lack of it can destabilize our homes. Couples should not have hidden agenda from each other. Husbands, let your wives know of your plans and vice versa. When one party notices that there is a skeleton in his partners’ cupboard, insecurity sets in and it can also lead to a broken home.

Egocentric Challenges: Some women are more influential than their husbands and because of the position they hold in the society, they are no longer submissive to their husbands and in a bid to show his ego as the man of the house; he will not want to take that. Well, if the tussle is not well managed, the ignominy of gender differences can lead to a broken home.

Incompatibility: When the couples are not compatible, there is every probability that the marriage could crumble. This incompatibility can be sexual, physical, spiritual, moral or otherwise. Two cannot work together unless they agree, then how can we agree when we are not compatible. Other reasons for a broken home are abuse, failed expectations, immaturity, irresponsibility and joblessness.

When two elephants fight, the grasses suffer and in every marriage, the grasses are the children. Thus, children from broken homes are nearly ten times likely to suffer psychological problems, mental problems than those whose parents stay together. The future of these children becomes jeopardized and they see themselves as the unlucky ones, children of circumstances and accept this fate as their philosophy of life.

To every problem, there must always be a solution. To build a strong home that can stand the test of time is to avoid all that can contribute to having a broken home. We cannot have a tranquil and peaceful society as we aspire if our homes are without peace. The desired peace of the society starts from the home. Let us be the type of parents that could be enviable. Habits of discipline help to soar higher in life. A blessed marriage is when two people accept to be two patriots defending their home and nation. Indeed broken homes have done us more harm than good. United we stand, divided we fall they say. So let us come together and build standard home training for our children in the fear of God. Good character is what sustains a marriage. When beauty fades and riches crumble, it is only a good character that stands. One can chase 1000, two will chase 10,000. When preparation meets with an opportunity it becomes a success. I need you, you need me, we need one another, so there is no cause for separation. Let us love each ot==her in the love of God giving our children the best they deserve. Let us live with the consciousness of the peace of our family and our society at large.


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