
That Which We all Hate

The poverty rate in Nigeria remains terrifying despite high economic growth. How many of us notice the kids on our streets, who run around with ‘pure’ water, sweets and food items begging, wishing and praying someone buys from them?

Cyber Bullying

The act of using modern communication technologies to embarrass, humiliate, threaten intimidate an individual in an attempt to gain power and control over them is known as Cyber-Bullying. There have been 41 suicides since 2003 involving cyber-bullying in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Why do Ladies Make-Up?

Most young girls at the attainment of puberty feel like they are not living up to the expectations of the society if they do not make-up or use some synthetic products. Men and women alike sometimes desire to look younger and not get to show everyone how old they are.