Alcoholics Stand A Risk- Nigerian Doctor, Olutunde Shares Facts on Prostate Cancer

A Nigerian medical doctor, Dr. Ayotunde Olutunde has shared vital information on the illness, Prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is a leading cause of death among Nigerian men. The cancer is linked to the Prostate gland, a part of the male reproductive system located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut (<30g) and surrounds the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). As a man ages, the prostate tends to increase in size.

Speaking with The Pendulum Media, Dr. Olutunde said this type of cancer is a malignant tumour (growth) that consists of cells from the prostate gland.

Olutunde stated that Prostate cancer being the most common form of cancer among men is worrisome as it is one of the leading causes of cancer death among men of all races.

While discussing the causes and risk factors, Dr. Olutunde mentioned that the cause of Prostate cancer is unknown. However, it is not thought to be related to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

For the risk factors, he said African-American men, men aged 60 years and above, men whose parents have a history of prostate cancer, alcoholics, farmers,
men who eat diets high in fat, especially animal fat, tyre plant workers, and painters are susceptible to the illness.

He added that the early stage of Prostate cancer often presents no symptoms for many years. But occasionally, the doctor may first feel a hard nodule during a routine digital (done with the finger rectal examination).

Rarely, in more advanced cases, he added that the cancer may enlarge and press on the urethra giving the following symptoms.

-Delayed or slow start of the urinary stream.
-Dribbling or leakage of urine, most often after urinating.
-Slow urinary stream.
-Straining when urinating, or not being able to empty all of the urine.
-Blood in the urine or semen.
-Bone pain or tenderness, most often in the lower back and pelvic bones (only when the cancer has spread).

Olutunde, however, stressed that other disease conditions of the prostate can also present similar symptoms.

“A rectal exam may show a large prostate or a hard, irregular surface.
As a result of the availability of a simple, reproducible, and relatively accurate blood test known as prostate-specific antigen (PSA) prostate cancer can be detected early before the onset of symptoms.

“You do not have to wait to see any of the presenting features before seeking a doctor. The PSA level is usually higher than 4mg/ml in people with prostate cancer than in people without the cancer.

“It is recommended that men aged 40 years and above should have a regular PSA check.

“Prostate cancer is diagnosed from the results of a biopsy of the prostate gland.” He stated.

On the part of the treatment, Olutunde pointed out that the treatment is individualised based on a man’s type of cancer and risk factors.

He noted that the treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy (including hormonal therapy).

More importantly, the cancer can spread to other organs of the body if not checked on time. “Many patients with prostate cancer that has not spread can be cured. And for patients who cannot be cured, hormone treatment can extend their lives”. He said.

While the causes of prostate cancer are still unknown, some risk factors for the disease, such as advancing age and a family history of prostate cancer have been identified. Prostate cancer is often initially suspected because of an abnormal PSA blood test or a hard lump felt on the prostate gland during a routine digital rectal examination and it can be prevented by making an early diagnosis and then attempting to cure the disease.

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