
With Tayo Ajayi

Onabanjo Omooba Olufemi Emmanuel, the chairman and originator of Acaculturism hails from Ogun state. He says Acaculturism is coined from two German words which in English means Academics and Culture; a social group that aims to re-awaken cultural values through academics. To the core, he is a striving African man who knows the essence of being an African. He, therefore, created this foresight group to wake African youths from the slumber of their lost cultural heritage.

His inspiration

Let us look at it from the angle of culture clash and its effects on the Africa man, then you will know what am talking about. An average youth has forgotten the rich African culture, and that is what is actually affecting the productivity of our youth nowadays because westernization has been made to blindfold our rich cultural heritage, all these and many more factors inspired me into Acaculturism where I considered it as an avenue to wake African youths from theft cultural slumber. The maiden issue of this wonderful prograninie was done late last year at the University of Ado-Ekiti. Beyond my comprehension, the program was the first of its kind and my sincere appreciation goes to Prof. Patrick Aina, University of Ado Ekiti’s Vice-Chancellor who happened to be a former Professor in O.A.U Ile- He. He also embraces culture more than anything and the Dean of Faculty of Arts, Prof Abiodun and my mentor, Mr Adeseke were also among the people who really made my vision actualized through Gods intervention. I would say it was just like a joke because even when I drafted out the proposal to the Acaculturist group, they couldn’t believe it but they all set out to work, contributing their quota towards its actualisation. It was a day everyone looked forward to and even when the posters came out and were pasted, everyone around could not believe it was going to be actualized and the majority of students felt that the artists we called were not going to turn up and so many other different views. But Glory to God that He made it a success and it was a day that will never be forgotten in the University of Ado-Ekiti.

The renowned actor, Peter Fatomilola and the African singer Beautiful Nubia were on stage impacting the youths on the rebirth of African culture and a reawakening of our youths from their lost heritage”.

Effects of the Programme on the Surrounding Populace

The programme was really a stepping stone for the University. It promoted the institution academically, morally and culturally. I also remember an inter-faculty debate that was done during the programme were students showed their academic skills and creative skills. This Acaculturism served as a bedrock to the Theater department that is about to be established in the Faculty of Arts in the institution and now Acaculturism is now being backed up by the institution. The only thing I expect from African youths most especially is to totally embrace our African Culture.”

Frequency of the programme

It is just a yearly programme which has to be properly panned and you know what am talking about! and we are hoping to come up with another one soon, an arena whereby LAGBAJA and ASA would be on the same seat performing their musical folkloric syndrome. It is another day the institution is looking forward to again and with God on our side, it is a success already.

Omooba also tells Pendulum how he intends to make it National

You just caught me now with that. Well, in this upcoming year, this programme is going to cut across other Universities both private and public and we are looking forward to an inter- University academic debate and cultural competition whereby O.A.U Ile-Ife and other notable universities are going to be around and I am sure it is really going to be a worthwhile day. I can not even wait to see Universities coming together to contributing their own quota. In addition, we are doing lots and lots of publicity cutting across the sphere of Nigerian states.

Keeping Track of Acaculturism Digitally

Still working on that, and soon that would be accomplished. You know, Acaculturalism is just a year old baby and cannot grow all its teeth at once! Just as a baby develops his teeth gradually, Acaculturalism will grow. In like manner, I must say Acaculturism is not by my power but all glory to Almighty God and much thanks to everyone that made it a reality. Well, it has really been an awesome time-out with you. The Pendulum Media Enterprise wishes you the very best


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